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Details of our first donations to Lebanese Schools

Thanks to the generosity of our donors the Trust was able to assist two schools in some of the poorest suburbs of Beirut, Ecole Saint-Joseph in Bourj Hammoud and Ecole St Jean Baptiste in Baouchrieh. In Bourj Hammoud the Trust was able to fund some long overdue essential repairs before winter sets in as well as replace broken furniture in the teachers' common room. In Baouchrieh, we were able to fund a large number of blinds which makes it easier not only to keep the cold out in winter (these schools can no longer afford heating) but reduce the impact of sunlight on the use of teaching aids which has always been a problem. In some of the classrooms used for the youngest children where teaching takes place in groups on the cold floor the Trust provided a number of large mats.

Below are photos of the repairs and replacement furniture in the teachers' common room. The water repairs were more important than originally thought but the local plumber generously stuck to his price. The teachers are delighted with the outcome as it coincided with school re-opening…just in time you may say!

The broken furniture as well as the microwave, as per our request that they be recycled, were donated to the Sisters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, a Lebanese teaching order of nuns also active among the poorest communities.

This brings to a close our first project and the two donations.

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