Maronite Archdiocese of Antelias (Lebanon): 3 Schools - Centre for Severe Learning Difficulties
In 2022 the TCCT worked with the Archdiocese to assist three of its most hard-pressed, multiconfessional, schools situated in Baouchrieh, Bourj Hammoud and Nabaa. They number some 500 - mixed - pupils aged 4-14. In theory the schools rely on the Archdiocese, grants from the Ministry of Education and contributions from parents. In practice, because of Lebanon’s economic and financial crisis, almost the entire burden falls on the limited funds of the Archdiocese and any donations.
TCCT has been supporting all three schools in a variety of practical ways: paying for essential repairs, blinds to reduce harmful seasonal fluctuations in classroom temperatures, replacement furniture for a teachers’ room vandalised by intruders and 100kgs of badly needed school supplies donated by parents and pupils of a TCCT partner school in West London, delivered to Beirut by a trustee in time for the new academic year.
TCCT trustees are now currently working with the Archdiocese on a short term vital project based in the Bourj Hammoud school to create a ground breaking Centre for Severe Learning Difficulties to be expanded later to the other two schools. This comes in response to the dramatic escalation, brought on by the dire social and economic circumstances, in the numbers of pupils whose teachers identify as having serious learning difficulties.
The Centre seeks initial funding for the pilot in 2024 of US$50k and will be seeking a significantly larger amount when the project is extended to include the other two schools.

Caritas Lebanon: The Afterschool Program
CL’s Afterschool Program (ASP) was launched in 2005 and serves to serve disadvantaged communities in and around Beirut. It provides a vital life-line to continuing in education for underperforming children rated as at-risk of dropping out of school referred to the program from the local public schools.
ASP’s goals are:
Improved educational attainment and the retention of vulnerable children at risk of dropping out
To offer practical support to enhance the socio-educational competencies of disadvantaged children
To assist these children through their educational achievements to go on to make a positive contribution to their communities.
ASP’s activities include:
Daily homework support
Remedial classes
Exam revision and support
Support during the summer break