TCCT believes that it is essential in order to maximise the sustainable impact of its mission to work in partnership with recognised and reliable local and international partners that have an established humanitarian and educational track record in Lebanon.
Maronite Archdiocese of Antelias - 3 Parish Schools
In early 2022 TCCT established a relationship with the Archdiocese to assist three parish schools originally part funded by the parents most of whom are no longer able to make any financial contribution, located in the Beirut suburbs of Baouchrieh, Bourj Hammoud and Nabaa.
Caritas Lebanon

Founded in 1972, part of the global Caritas Internationalis, CL is the largest domestic NGO in Lebanon. As such it has born the brunt all across the range of its humanitarian activities including education and remains on the front line of the disasters that have befallen Lebanon. Starting with the Civil War which raged throughout the 70’s and 80’s, the Syrian Civil War which began in 2011 resulting in a massive influx of refugees, the collapse of the country’s economy and currency in the last five years and the Beirut port explosion in August 2020.